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Creating your own library at home

Writer's picture: plainslibraryplainslibrary

Love your public library? Wish you could spend more time there? You just may be inspired to create your own home library. If you are a book lover like me, you probably have a bunch of books sitting around your house. How many times have you thought to yourself that you needed a dedicated space to organize those books into a user-friendly environment? Here are some tips to get you started on creating your own home library.

1. Choose your spot. A whole room for a library is ideal but not always an option. However, you will want to pick a spot that is quiet and not heavily trafficked. Do have extra room in a home office or even a bedroom?

2. Determine how much space you need. This will depend on how many books you have (or hope to have). If you have a large number of volumes, you may want to think about shelving that extends to the ceiling. If you have a small collection, freestanding bookcases may be just right for you. Or you might even just add some shelves on a wall.

3. Support your floors. Have you ever picked up a box of books? Heavy, right? Make sure your floors can support the weight of your shelves and books. And while you're at it, make sure your walls will support any shelves attached to them. Ensure that shelves are hung with the proper anchors and supports into studs.

4. Plan your layout. What walls will have shelves or bookcases on them? Where will you locate chairs, end tables, and lamps? Be sure that your library will meet your needs whether you will be reading, studying, writing, etc.

5. Plan your shelving. If you have a large collection, plan on shelving that extends to the ceiling. If you do extend your shelving, will you need a footstool or ladder? Don't forget you can use space above doorways. Make sure shelves are sturdy enough to not sag. Adjustable shelves can help with space needs.

6. Choose your decor. This library is for you, so set the ambience you like. Pick a suitable color whether you like the feeling of old-time libraries with deep and luxurious colors or the feeling of an airy space with nature-related colors. Create the reading space of your dreams.

7. Choose your furniture. Determine how many chairs, sofas, tables, and lamps can fit comfortably. If you are tight on space, you might consider a window seat with storage for even more books!

8. Choose your lighting. Lighting in a library is crucial as you want to avoid eyestrain. Will you have overhead lighting or will you use lamps? If you are using lamps, look for a lamp that will help you see the smallest text you read. Lamps should be positioned over your shoulder, so the light is not directly in your eyes. Remember that light can be damaging to books, so be careful in your choosing and using of light sources.

9. Now it's time to organize. This section could be a whole blog all by itself! You can organize by subject matter. You can organize alphabetically by title or author, chronologically tracking different time periods in your life or chronologically tracking publication dates. You can even organize by read and unread. And did you know that you can organize your collection electronically? There are many online and software programs (some free!) available to help you maintain an inventory of your collection. With a little bit of research, you can find one for your needs.

10. And the most important step--enjoy! Home libraries are to be enjoyed and expanded. This area of your home can take you to different times and places that you thought you'd never experience. Opening a book can be an adventure! And don't forget to keep expanding your home library. It is up to you what types of volumes you put into your library. Do you gravitate toward a specific genre? Do you want to create a basic learning library? Do you revel in reading everything you can get your hands on? This is your home library--enjoy it!

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